AAPS Rec & Ed Scholarships

Rec & Ed strives to ensure the families we serve can enjoy quality enrichment classes, recreational sports, school break and summer camps and the Before and After school programs. Rec & Ed offers one option for individuals and families to apply for our Scholarship Program:

Standard Scholarship: The Standard Scholarship program is available to individuals and families who live within the boundaries of the Ann Arbor Public School District and have documented income/support that falls within specific HUD income guidelines. 

Non-AAPS residents are able to apply for the scholarship program as long as their children attend an AAPS school and have documented income/support that falls within specific HUD income guidelines. If approved, the scholarship will only apply to the children listed on the application, this includes non-school aged children.

  • If you have children who are 18 years or older and not attending high school but are living in your household, they will need to fill out their own application.
  • If you have grandparents or relatives living in your household, then they will need to fill out their own application.

2024-2025 Before/After Care (BAC) Scholarship Renewal Form: This form is for families who have a current Rec & Ed scholarship and need to renew only their BAC scholarship. BAC scholarships expire on June 30th of the current school year. You must re-apply for the before/after care scholarship every school year.

If you have questions, visit the scholarship website here: Rec & Ed Scholarships or email us at scholarships@a2schools.org

AAPS Community Education and Recreation